Kundli also known as horoscope, represents the position of the planets at the time of your birth. Kundli is used to interpret celestial influence in your life. Accurate birth date, time and place are an important factor in Vedic Astrology as it helps to generate accurate Kundli. Kundli generation is the building block of predictive astrology.
There are various types of options to generate a Kundli such as Parashari, Jaimini or KP Kundli along with different Ayanamsa. We at Vedic Rishi, provide you with all the options to choose and generate your own accurate Kundli.
Personalised Horoscope
Horoscope Charts
Gems and Rudraksha
Planetary Profiles
Numerology Predictions
Manglik and Kalsarpa Dosha
Pitra Dosha Analysis
Sadhesati Timelines
House and Sign Analysis
Personalised Horoscope: Your horoscope is a snapshot of the planetary arrangement in the skies at the time of your birth. Know the planetary positions in your Horoscope and understand what they hold for you.
Get Personalized Horoscope Charts, House and Sign Analysis with Ascendant Report.
Discover life predictions & remedies on all aspects of your life which is based on your date of birth, place & time. Learn your favourable & unfavorable period during the year. Understand the impact of various planetary positions on you. Discover your numerology report based on your name and date of birth Understand your Radical, Destiny, Name , Lucky and Unlucky number Get remedies and solutions to your problems based on Numerology Discover your various dosha’s based on your horoscope.
Your personalised horoscope analysis has never been this easier.
70 pages beautifully designed and equipped with personalised astrological details, dosha reports, numerological forecasts, remedial measures, planetary profiles, Sadhesati Timelines, Manglik and Kalsarpa Dosha, Gems and Rudraksha suggestions with predictions and much more.
At the date of birth, time and place, there is specific astronomical pattern in the heavens or sky. This sky model is recorded from a distinct geographical point. This documentation of planet-earth-sky pattern at the time of your birth is known as Kundli Chart. On the kundli, planets and their signs, house divisions and ascendant or rising sign is indicated. To interpret or analyse this kundli, four steps are given as follows.